Little grey waves and little grey fish
washed ashore with exploded bellies
plastic gaping out of severed mouths.
Look up to the palm trees
that reach for the sky
Listen to the children play
In the sea
The polluted sea

Sunset over Bang Saen is like the apocalypse
Fire bright and somehow strangely beautiful and sad

I’ve seen oceans crystal blue
I’ve seen oceans emerald green
I’ve crossed oceans to be here tonight
To walk barefoot in this sand.
I put my shoes back on
I put my shoes back on

Across the street past the parking lot
A woman gives massages on a tattered mattress.
She invites me in.
Clothes off, laid down
She kneads into my flesh
Don’t speak a word but our eyes still meet
And we share a solemn smile
While tears run down my cheeks
Salty like the sea
The polluted sea

I’ve had lovers brave and cruel
I’ve had lovers warm and kind
I’ve made and chased love around the world
To see if I belong.
I put my dress back on
I put my dress back on

Sunset over Bang Saen is like the rapture
Spirits rise while the earth just falls apart
The planet sinks beneath our feet in the waste we’ve left behind
We soar to greater heights and forget
What we’ve left behind
We strive to change ourselves and yet
The world gets left behind

Sunset over Bang Saen isn’t a metaphor
It’s the orbit of the earth as it spins around a star
It’s the slow decay of a planet that has lived another day
It’s the quiet song of a species that has thrown their gifts away
It’s the prayer of one who says goodbye to who she is today
And gets back in the car
She gets back in the car

I get back in the car and drive away
I drive away.

Sunset over Bang Saen is strangely beautiful and sad.

